Generally what will the process look like?


This review process is complicated and will take some time to play out. Here are some key milestones:

  • The County will gather initial comments from various agencies (e.g., Marin Water, Cal Trans, etc.) including the Strawberry Design Review Board (SDRB) on the application and its consistency with the agencies practices and programs.
  • The County staff will undertake a review for completeness. This will likely generate many questions, some of which may come from the public. North Coast will have time to respond to these questions and amend their proposal.
  • Eventually, the application will be deemed complete at which point it will be reviewed on its merits. This review process will start with the SDRB, which will eventually make a recommendation to the County. After the SDRB review, the County Planning Commission will take up the matter. They will likely have more than one meeting to review the application. Eventually they will make a recommendation on the matter and then it will be taken up by the Board of Supervisors who will also likely have more than one meeting and eventually vote on it.

All of these meetings will be publicly noticed. Each meeting will include an opportunity for public comment. Both the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors may choose to condition the application as part of their consideration.

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